Interviewing can be stressful, but adequate preparation can help you feel more confident. The Student & Community Engagement office offers two ways to practice your interviewing skills: InterviewStream 360 and Mock Interviewing.
Student & Community Engagement Online Job Board JobLink
Additional websites to use for your job search
Social media is quickly becoming a good place to find a job. Learn how to look good to an employer and find the job you want at.
The majority of recruiters at companies both large and small state that using social media to recruit cuts down time in the hiring process, increases the quality and quantity of candidates, and is much easier to obtain referrals.
Unfortunately, many job seekers believe their resume should be enough and do not take applications seriously. They simply complete their application as quickly as possible without paying attention to details and then sabotage themselves without even knowing it. The following tips will make your application strong and more likely to be noticed: